Spend Wednesday Nights at Calvary

Every Wednesday • 7:00-8:15pm
September 18 - November 20

Wednesday is the best night of the week at Souderton Campus! There’s something for everyone, providing the opportunity for all of us to connect with and be impacted by God, then be prepared to connect with and impact others for him. Get all the details on our programs and classes below.

Family Ministry Programs

Calvary Kids

Kids Classrooms • Enter Door 12
Your kid is invited to join us each Wednesday this fall for “kid-tacular” nights filled with laughs, games, and crafts! Wednesday Nights are open to kids of all ages. Register your kid today. We can’t wait to see you there!

Bridge Disability Ministries

Bridge Hallway • Enter Door 13
Join us for Wednesday Night classes for Bridge kids, students, and adults! You can find us in the Bridge Hallway each week for Bible lessons, good snacks, and gym hangout time at Souderton Campus. Please note that due to the nature of Bridge programs, we are unable to take walk-ins. We’ll see you soon!

Adult Classes

From Prison to Promise

Exodus - Deuteronomy
We will explore Exodus – Deuteronomy, discovering the story of God’s budding, chosen people, the Israelites, the profound ways God continues to speak to us through their stories, and how it all points to Jesus Christ.

Parent Chat

Parenting Class & Community
Join other parents in all phases of parenthood for weekly conversations on relevant topics. We'll learn practical tips and apply biblical wisdom as we build community, share our experiences, and encourage and pray for one another.


Getting to Know Calvary
Together, we’ll cover the fundamentals of our faith, including the Gospel, Three Relationships, prayer, and baptism, and finish with our membership class. Attend the first six weeks and dig into our core beliefs, attend the final three weeks to focus on membership, or attend all nine weeks to complete the full fundamentals and membership course.